BKM has advised the Brazilian company Green Flower Brazil in the process of applying for and obtaining a controlled production and industrialization license for products derived from the cannabis plant.
To this end, we have managed the constitution of a consortium between Green Flower Brazil and the local laboratory Alianza Farmaceuticalica S.A., and we have represented the consortium throughout the administrative process. During this time the application authority evaluated documentation regarding the crop, business, export, transportation, final disposal and safety plans.
There have been 21 companies with the intention of obtaining a license. With the fulfillment of all the requirements of form and substance, the Green Flower Consortium has been awarded with one of the twelve licenses granted by the National Directorate of Health Surveillance.
The integral advice to the Consortium included, in addition to exercising the representation, the preparation of the license application file and its follow-up. In addition, BKM will accompany the Green Flower Consortium during the exploitation activities.