The National Securities Commission (CNV) issued the first 2018 Circular Letter (CNV/DIF Nº 001/2018) addressed to Stock and Commodities Markets, Brokerage Houses and Management Companies for Equity Investment Funds.
This Circular Letter was released by the CNV as the competent supervising entity, based on Resolution Nº 614/2017, issued by the Secretariat for the Prevention of Laundering of Money or Assets (SEPRELAD), which establishes as reporting entities those natural and judicial persons that are engaged in activities that involve extending credit or lending money, from their own financial resources, or managing credit portfolios, and also provided for their entry in a Register set by SEPRELAD for such purpose; said Resolution will come into full force on February 1st, 2018.
The CNV, through the mentioned Circular Letter, exhorts the mentioned supervised entities, namely Stock and Commodities Markets, Brokerage Houses and Management Companies for Equity Investment Funds, considered by the National System for Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (ALA/CFT) for a long time now as reporting entities within the scope of the stock market, to ensure that the natural and judicial persons engaged in such financial activities are required to submit a certificate of being registered in the mentioned Register set by SEPRELAD, during their Due Diligence and Know Your Client processes.
Through this CNV´s Circular Letter, the first of year 2018, these provisions, determined by SEPRELAD by means of Resolution No. 614/2017, are enforced and strictly observed, and, consequently, the CNV proceeds to incorporate a review of compliance within its control and supervision programs